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“We have been very impressed”
I was struck again today (for the ump-teenth time) by how amazing and powerful the DBP system is.
We are now 6 months into our journey with Local & Fresh and have been thrilled by the response from our customers but equally by how much our success has been made possible by the system we are using. Thank you.
I have been saying for some time it is like a Ferrari that we have just begun to learn…Read More
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“I Don’t Know What We Would Do Without Them”
The name of the game is routing efficiency and putting as many items in that basket that you deliver to every customer. Delivery Biz Pro helps Fresh Harvest accomplish this on a weekly basis. I don’t know what we would do without them besides go crazy.…Read More
Zac – Owner, Fresh Harvest
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“Phenomenal Service”
Delivery Biz Pro is a phenomenal service. I feel like they always have my back. My site is easy to use, the auto responders are fantastic and customers report nothing but happiness with the site. The backend of the site gives me visibility into where my company is going day to day. I wouldn’t know how to run this business without the amazing software at Delivery Biz PRO.…Read More